CISA Releases Healthcare Mitigation Guide

December 6, 2023

Healthcare continues to be under attack from cyber threats. According to the Institute for Security and Technology, at least 299…

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Is My Vendor REALLY HIPAA-Compliant?

November 2, 2023

Healthcare organizations continue to grow more reliant on the use of third-party vendors that help them deliver quality care and…

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HITRUST Updates October 2023

October 19, 2023

HITRUST updates the CSF, its control framework, at least annually to help ensure the CSF addresses current cybersecurity risks. On…

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Organizations Voice Concerns Over HIPAA Updates

October 11, 2023

In December 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a bulletin to healthcare organizations indicating that the use…

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NIST Updates Impact HIPAA Security Rule

September 12, 2023

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is comprised of three rules, the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, and…

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Social Media and HIPAA Violations

August 7, 2023

Social media has revolutionized how people communicate. 90% of Americans use it in some form. Globally, more than 4.6 billion…

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Increased Scrutiny on the Cybersecurity of Medical Devices

July 7, 2023

Healthcare organizations rely on medical devices to help provide patient care and monitor patient health. Medical devices such as insulin…

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HIPAA Trends in 2023

June 5, 2023

CompliancePoint attended the 2023 Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) Annual Compliance Institute. There were several sessions discussing current and future…

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Telehealth Cybersecurity Post COVID-19

April 27, 2023

COVID-19 has dramatically changed the way healthcare is delivered. Providers were forced to pivot quickly from total reliance on in-person…

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Does my Website Need to be HIPAA Compliant?

April 6, 2023

If you are a healthcare provider or an organization that provides services to healthcare providers, you probably have a website.…

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